Victoria Heartwood

All posts by: Victoria Heartwood


This story struck me like a lightening bolt, and I wrote the draft in twenty minutes. I was about to graduate from my master’s program in fiction, so it was a complete thrill to see PORTCULLIS in a journal along...

The Visible Woman

I wrote this story about the imagined life of the 1960’s medical model, The Visible Woman, who would have had to create a life with transparency as both her greatest flaw and greatest strength. The act of writing this was...


I wrote this creative nonfiction flash in Siena, Italy, where I discovered I was a "strangieri" in the land, my mixed-race relationship, and myself. ...

Au Bon Pain

As an undergraduate, I studied creative writing at Emerson College and found that living in the city provided an endless canvas upon which I could paint my stories. This one, about prey and their predators, transports me back to some...

The Lore of Daedalus and My Father

This poem, a stanza of which is excerpted here, was based on a story borrowed (with permission) from a friend whose father nursed a sick rooster back to health in her childhood home. If you watch them intently enough, I...