Victoria Heartwood

All posts by: Victoria Heartwood

Body of Knowledge

BODY OF KNOWLEDGE was published by ProQuest LLC. It may be retrieved electronically from ProQuest, in hardcover at the Lamson Library at Plymouth State University, or on a case-by-case basis using the contact form at the top of this page....

Wall of White

The hybrid form and use of white space in this story about love, racism, and violence felt like a necessary way of exploring the unbearable pain and isolation the characters experienced after the murder of their only child....

Offing Buck

It was incredibly fun to write this irreverent story about a jealous newlywed who hires a hitman to kill her husband’s dog. My professor at the time, Robin Hemley, described the humor as that which builds upon itself like a...

The Dovecote

I interwove several threads throughout this story’s theme of loss and resilience. It was a very visual piece for me, and I worked to make the language both poetic and aesthetically evocative....

A Man, Needs

Deep in my own domesticity, I was fascinated by the idea of a heterosexual couple taking on an additional wife to fulfill everyone’s needs. When that couple evolved into psychotherapists with their own issues to work out, the situation became...