Victoria Heartwood

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The Dovecote

I interwove several threads throughout this story’s theme of loss and resilience. It was a very visual piece for me, and I worked to make the language both poetic and aesthetically evocative....

A Man, Needs

Deep in my own domesticity, I was fascinated by the idea of a heterosexual couple taking on an additional wife to fulfill everyone’s needs. When that couple evolved into psychotherapists with their own issues to work out, the situation became...


This story struck me like a lightening bolt, and I wrote the draft in twenty minutes. I was about to graduate from my master’s program in fiction, so it was a complete thrill to see PORTCULLIS in a journal along...

The Visible Woman

I wrote this story about the imagined life of the 1960’s medical model, The Visible Woman, who would have had to create a life with transparency as both her greatest flaw and greatest strength. The act of writing this was...


I wrote this creative nonfiction flash in Siena, Italy, where I discovered I was a "strangieri" in the land, my mixed-race relationship, and myself. ...

Au Bon Pain

As an undergraduate, I studied creative writing at Emerson College and found that living in the city provided an endless canvas upon which I could paint my stories. This one, about prey and their predators, transports me back to some...